The Buzzworthy Marketing Show

AI and Social Media: Why Your Human Marketing Skills Still Matter

Michael Buzinski Season 7 Episode 4

Get ready to unravel the tangled web of myths and truths about AI's role in the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing. Our latest podcast peels back the layers of hype to reveal the undying essence of human creativity and intuition in the digital realm. I'm your host, and in this episode, we dive into a candid conversation about how artificial intelligence, while a remarkable assistant in churning out data and content, still falls short of capturing the human spirit that breathes life into social media interactions. We'll explore the indispensable ability of humans to foster relationships, navigate sensitive situations, and wield technology ethically—skills that AI has yet to master. As we dissect the harmony of AI tools and human touch, you'll appreciate the true artistry behind crafting social strategies that resonate deeply with audiences.

Transform your understanding of social media strategy with our firsthand accounts and expert insights. We journey through the transition of social media management amidst AI's march forward, examining how these intelligent systems can support but not substitute the nuanced craftsmanship of human interaction. You'll hear stories from the trenches, illustrating how automation frees entrepreneurs to pour their hearts into their businesses while keeping the soul of their brands alive and thriving online. By the end of our discussion, you'll be equipped with the wisdom to navigate the delicate balance between leveraging AI's analytical prowess and nurturing the human connections that lie at the heart of successful social media campaigns. Join us for a thought-provoking episode that promises to elevate your strategic game to new heights.

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Speaker 1:

Are you as tired as I am with all of these ads telling us it's time to fire our social media manager or AI is going to make everything so easy that we don't have to do any of our social media anymore? Well, you should be, because it's all baloney, and today I'm going to reveal the reality behind how AI is actually impacting social media marketing. Let's do this. Welcome to the Buzzworthy Marketing Show. While the buzz around AI in social media marketing has reached a fever pitch, promising everything from automating posts to predicting the next viral trend, it's crucial to hit the pause button. Yes, ai is revolutionary, but it's not the be-all, end-all solution it's often made out to be, so let's debunk some of these myths and set the record straight on how AI will not be your magic wand in social media marketing and why it won't be replacing your social media manager anytime soon. But first, I think it's time for all of you first-time listeners and those who haven't done so already, to hit the subscribe button. I am spending this entire season on the impact of AI is having on marketing, and you are not going to want to miss a single episode, so let's pull out our phones and push that handy, dandy subscribe button now Go ahead, I'll wait. Awesome and thank you.

Speaker 1:

Now let's peel back the layers of a topic that's been the talk of the town, if you will. Ai taking over social media marketing. With all of this hype, you might think AI is ready to take over, leaving no room for human touch. But let's get real. There are significant areas where AI just doesn't cut the mustard. Let's dive into some of the limitations of AI and celebrate the irreplaceable value of human creativity and intuition in managing your social media presence. First of all, while AI is great at analyzing data and patterns, it struggles with the nuances of human emotion and context. Social media is about connection and engagement, areas where empathy and understanding are king. Ever seen a comment or a post that just didn't read the room? That's AI without human oversight. Your social media manager's ability to gauge sentiment, context and the subtleties of language play a pivotal role in crafting messages that resonate on a human level. Then there's the creativity factor. Ai can generate content based on algorithms and data, but it lacks the spark of human creativity.

Speaker 1:

The most engaging social media campaigns are often those that think outside the box, something AI is not designed to do. Humans have the creativity to innovate, experiment and capture the essence of your brand in ways that no AI could replicate. Yes, it might read okay on paper, but believe me, it's not resonating with your audience. And let's not forget the whole purpose of social media being social and building relationships. Ai can help identify potential leads or even initiate interactions, but it falls short in nurturing these relationships. The personal touch, understanding individual customer needs and providing tailored responses cannot be automated. You and your social media manager knows your audience, understands their preferences and can engage in a way that builds loyalty and trust over time.

Speaker 1:

And what about crisis management and real-time decision making? In the fast-paced world of social media, crisis can emerge without warning. An AI might alert you to a spike in mentions, but it can't navigate the complexities of crisis management. This is where the human element becomes critical. Your social media manager can assess the situation, make real-time decisions and communicate with sensitivity and tact, something AI is far from achieving. Finally, there's the ethical use of AI and maintaining your brand's reputation. Ai tools can inadvertently cross lines from privacy concerns to inappropriate content suggestions. This is the job best left to humans, period.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I have to go into why do I Good? So hopefully you now see why AI in social media marketing offers incredible tools and efficiencies. It's not the end, all or the end of the road for human involvement. In fact, the most successful social media strategies will be those that harness the best of both worlds AI's driven insights and the irreplaceable human touch. That's why social media managers aren't going anywhere, or are they Imagine this? You're at the drawing board, brainstorming the next big social media campaign for your business.

Speaker 1:

The challenge Coming up with fresh, engaging content that resonates with your audience day in, day out. That's where AI steps into the spotlight. Not to take over the creative process, but to supercharge it. Ai tools are revolutionizing the way we approach ideation and research. By sifting through mountains of data, trends and consumer behaviors in a blink of an eye, they provide insights and inspiration based on what's currently captivating your target audience, what competitors are doing and what's trending globally. Ai is doing all of this in a blink of an eye and a lot faster than any social media marketing manager. You should think of AI as your personal research assistant, one that never sleeps and constantly feeds you golden nuggets of inspiration. For instance, ai power tools can analyze popular hashtags, the performance of similar brands and trending topics relevant to your niche. They can even track sentiment analysis, giving you a clear picture of what your audience loves, hates or is passionate about. This data becomes the fertile ground from which your next great social media post idea can sprout.

Speaker 1:

Right about now. You might be asking but wait a minute, buzz, I don't have the time to figure out how to get all of that information out of AI, and if I did, I wouldn't know what to do with it. And to that I would say you are right, I don't think you should do this on your own. But that doesn't mean you should go out and hire a social media marketing manager to create your social media calendar and then pay them hundreds of dollars every month to monitor your campaign. No, I have a better idea, I have a better suggestion, even.

Speaker 1:

But before I get into that, let's talk about the other side of this coin automation yes, the dreaded word automation. So so many things I could say that shouldn't be automated in marketing, but I am here to say that social media is one tactic that I love to automate, especially when it comes to building an authority campaign. My clients have been using a tool that automatically schedules posts at times when their audience is most active, which is usually when my clients are busy spending time with their family. This kind of automation ensures maximum engagement without them having to be glued to their screen around the clock. Our platform even adapts their content format to suit each social media platform, which tailors the message without losing its essence. We use other tools that initiate basic interactions with their audiences, like acknowledging comments or answering frequently asked questions with their audiences like acknowledging comments or answering frequently asked questions keeping the engagement alive and kicking. Using this kind of automation reduces my client's time allocation to social media by like 90%, with the same effectiveness as others who are constantly on their phones trying to get quote viral when they should be out there in the real world making real connections. Now, I do have to say I work strictly with service-based professionals, so this tactic might not be the best for everyone, so please do research on your particular vertical before diving into my social media automation platform, which is called BuzzSocial. You can get more information at buzzsocialbiz.

Speaker 1:

Now let's get back to the first side of this coin. How do you use AI to create all of your content in a matter of a day or two? Yes, you heard me right you can actually create all of the content you need in a matter of two days. It's a method that I have developed with the help of some of the smartest social media marketers I know. I call it the 6103 social media planning method. It's a one-time process that helps you create an entire year's worth of content in a matter of two days. I don't have the time to go into it, into all the details right now, but if you visit buzzworthymarketingcom, you can sign up for our free masterclass where we walk you through the entire process step-by-step, and we give you a 6103 planner to go with it. Again, that's buzzworthymarketing slash 6103, or you can click on the link in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now let's get back to the question Is AI the beginning of the end of social media managers? And my answer may confuse you a little bit, because I'm going to say no. And before you yell Buzz, you just gave us two tools that would literally replace a social media manager. I want to put a caveat with my no. Okay, see, I don't think social media managers are going anywhere.

Speaker 1:

If they are smart, yes, the smart ones are going to evolve, using AI as a tool to amplify their creativity, empathy and the strategic thinking, and strategic thinking is the key. Social media managers in the AI era are going to be more social media strategists. That's how my social media team has pivoted and I see more and more good social media marketers doing the same, and that's because strategy is something that is very personal, and we already established that AI lacks that personality to reflect, empathize, relate and act like a human with human emotions empathize, relate and act like a human with human emotions. So, as long as that is the fact, strategists will be able to help steer entrepreneurs just like you in the right direction. Now, the next time you see an ad that touts how AI is going to create and manage all of your social media for you, you can confidently keep swiping up, and I'm telling you this not only from the point of view of a marketing strategist, but also from my experience testing almost every platform that has come out in the last year.

Speaker 1:

The reality is that, while AI is very good at creating images and researching and helping with ideation, it isn't good enough to replace the human touch needed to carry social media conversations, and my promise to you is that, the day it is, I will share it with you and tell you exactly where to get it. In the meantime, if you want to get three tools that will help you automate a year's worth of social media content in a matter of two days, check out the links in the show notes. It's a process I've been using with my own social media for over four years and have helped countless clients recapture weeks worth of time every year, letting them focus on what they do best in their companies. Well, that's all for today. Remember to like, leave a review and subscribe to the show if you haven't already, and until next time, stay buzzworthy.

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