The Buzzworthy Marketing Show

Choosing Your Google Ads Champion for Business Growth

Michael Buzinski Season 6 Episode 9

Unlock the secrets to thriving in digital marketing's new landscape, where privacy concerns and dwindling third-party data have rewritten the rulebook. Join me as we chart a course through the seismic shifts brought about by GDPR and CCPA, laying bare the essentials of leveraging first-party data and fostering robust customer relationships. The golden days of effortless targeting via Google Ads have morphed into a strategic battleground, and we're here to arm you with the insights required to not just survive, but to prosper. Discover why the savvy approach to Google Ads is now about informed, strategic engagement, and how this translates to sustainable growth and a standout presence in the marketplace.

Ever considered handing over the reins of your Google Ads to a master tactician? This episode is your guide to making a well-informed decision. We dissect the crucial factors in choosing the right Google Ads manager, from aligning with your growth ambitions to guaranteeing transparency and judicious budget management. I draw from my treasure trove of marketing wisdom, accumulated over nearly two decades, to illuminate the path to a strategic partnership that catalyzes your business goals. Subscribe for a trove of knowledge that will empower your hiring choices and create a business presence that not only buzzes but roars.

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Speaker 1:

In a world of instant satisfaction, we are being programmed to expect results in our advertising overnight. This was perpetuated by the social media and Google ads boom in the early 20's, when all you had to do was to know who you wanted to target and have the money to run campaigns. It was the heyday of digital marketing, but it all came to a crashing halt with the death of third party data sharing. So what should we do, or what should we expect, in this post pandemic, post third party cookie world of digital advertising? Well, I'm glad you asked, because that is exactly what I'm going to talk about today. Welcome to the Buzzworthy Marketing Show. Welcome back to the Buzzworthy Marketing Show, the podcast where we unravel the threads of digital marketing to weave together the tapestry of success for small and medium sized businesses. I'm your host, michael Bosinski, but you can call me Buzz, and today we are embarking on a journey into the heart of digital advertising, a realm that's been both a battleground and a gold mine for entrepreneurs and businesses alike.

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Remember the early 20's, a time when digital advertising, especially Google ads, seemed like the wild west. You could stake your claim, throw in a few keywords, set your budget and watch as the clicks and customers rolled in. It was a heyday for the digital marketing, fueled by the abundance of third party data and a seemingly straightforward path to visibility and sales. But, as they say, all things must come to an end. The digital landscape began to shift. Users started demanding more privacy, regulators stepped in and the once plentiful stream of third party data started to dry up. The introduction of GDPR in Europe and similar privacy measures around the globe marked a turning point, and let's not forget the impact of the pandemic, accelerating online competition and changing consumer behaviors overnight. So here we are in the aftermath, navigating a post pandemic, post third party cookie world. The rules of the game have changed. The strategies that, once delivered predictable results, are no longer as effective. And if you're a small business owner, you might be wondering is Google ads still worth it? Can I still find my audience, my customers, are they available in the new AI driven digital world? The answer is a resounding yes, but it comes with a caveat. Success in today's Google ads arena requires more than just a set it and forget it approach. It demands a deeper understanding of the platform, with new rules, a strategic mindset and a willingness to adapt and innovate. That's exactly what we're diving into today. We're peeling back the layers of managing profitable Google ads campaigns in this new era. We'll explore what's changed, what stayed the same and how you, as a business owner, can leverage Google ads to grow your business in a meaningful and sustainable way. So grab your notebook and settle in, and let's get ready to unlock the secrets of the Google Ads together. But to navigate the future, we first need to step back and understand where we've come from. Let's dive into the evolution of Google Ads and the wider digital marketing landscape.

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Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, launched in October 2000 with a simple yet revolutionary idea allowing businesses to advertise to people searching for specific terms. With this, google not only transformed how we find information online, but also how businesses connect with potential customers. It was the dawn of a new era in advertising, one that promised precision, targeting and unparalleled reach. Fast forward a few years and the digital marketing exploded. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram entered the scene, each offering their own flavors of targeted advertising.

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The key to this era of digital marketing Third party data. This data allowed businesses of all sizes to target ads with incredible precision, from demographics and browsing habits to purchasing history. It was like having a crystal ball that could predict exactly where to find your next client. But as the digital landscape matured, so did concerns around privacy. Users began to question how their data was being used. Governments responded with regulations like GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California, fundamentally changing the rules of the game. The impact on digital advertising was seismic. The end of third party data sharing meant the end of the golden age of easy targeting and ad effectiveness as we knew it.

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So why is this history lesson so important for you? Well, because understanding this evolution is crucial to setting realistic expectations and crafting effective strategies in today's Google ads campaigns. The digital marketing world hasn't ended. It's simply a vault, and with evolution comes opportunity. The key to success now lies in first party data information that you collect directly from your audience through interactions with your brand. It's about building relationships, understanding your customers journey and using platforms like Google ads not to just sell, but to connect and engage. So as we navigate this post third party cookie era, the question isn't whether Google ads can still be profitable. It's about how can we adapt our strategies to be more personal, more engaging and, ultimately, more effective than ever before.

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Now I have bad news for you, especially for those who thought this was going to be a dialogue about how to run a successful campaign, because that is the last thing I'm going to talk about today. Why, you ask? Well, because, as a business owner, you should be working on your business and not in it, and I know it's tempting to take the reins and control every aspect of your marketing After all, who knows your business better than you? But here's the reality. The world of Google ads is a vast ocean filled with idiosyncrasies that could take years to master, and it's not just about understanding the basics. It's about keeping up with the constant changes, the new features and the ever evolving best practices. Consider the time drain of learning the ins and outs of Google ads. It isn't just about watching a few tutorials or reading some blog posts. It's about continuous education, experimentation and, yes, dealing with the frustration that comes from navigating a complex and sometimes opaque platform. And let's not forget about dealing with Google itself. Anyone who's had to resolve an issue or seek clarification knows it can be a daunting task to work through Google.

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So let's circle back on the principles of working on your business and not in your business. This is about strategic focus. As a business owner, your energy and expertise are best spent on driving the vision of your company, not getting bogged down in the minutia of ad campaigns. There's also the opportunity cost to really consider every hour you spend trying to decipher Google ads as an hour, not spent doing what you do best growing your business, innovating your product or engaging with your clients. So the best question to ask yourself when looking to run a Google ads campaign is not how, but who.

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Outsourcing your Google ads management isn't just about delegating tasks. It's about embracing the opportunity to leverage expertise that can bring about a level of optimization and strategic insight far beyond what you could have achieved on your own. It's about making a strategic investment in your business's growth, one that frees you up to focus on your strengths and on the bigger picture. So as I start talking about outsourcing your ads management, keep these thoughts in mind. The decision to outsource is not just a tactical one. It's a strategic move that can significantly impact the trajectory of your business. Still here, good, that means you are on board with handing over the reins to a professional. With that behind us, let's focus on a decision that could very well define the success of your Google ads campaigns Choosing the right Google ad manager.

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This isn't just about outsourcing. Remember that right. It's about partnering with someone who can navigate the complexities of Google ads in a way that aligns with your business goals and your values. Here are the top five things you need to know when making this crucial decision First and foremost, understanding your goals. Before you even start looking for a Google ads manager, you yourself need to have a clear picture of what you want to achieve it's about. Is it about increasing brand awareness, driving traffic to your website, generating leads or just boosting sales? Thanks for watching. Your goals will not only determine your budget, but also influence the strategies your Google Ads Manager will implement. A great manager will take the time to understand these goals deeply and tailor their approach accordingly. With your goals in mind, you will start to look for someone to help you achieve them.

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The first thing to consider is their experience and track record. The digital marketing field is vast, with nuances that vary by industry. It's crucial to evaluate potential managers based on their experience and success in your specific sector. As for case studies, testimonials and examples of how they've overcome challenges similar to those your business faces, this isn't just about years in the game. It's about relevant, impactful experience.

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Once you find somebody with the experience and track record you feel confident with, you will want to ask about transparency and reporting. This is the backbone of trust between you and your Google Ads Manager. You should have a clear expectation for how often you'll receive updates, what metrics will be reported and how performance will be measured. Transparency goes beyond regular reporting. It's about having open lines of communication and understanding exactly where your investment is going, and budget management is another critical area. Managing a Google Ads budget isn't just about setting a daily spending limit. It's about optimizing that budget to achieve the best possible ROI. Discuss openly about management fees and what you get in return.

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A good Google Ads Manager will be upfront about costs and work with you to set a budget that makes sense for your business's objectives. Ultimately, you will be looking for a strategic fit. This goes far beyond technical skills and experience. It's about finding someone whose approach to digital marketing aligns with your business's values and goals. This alignment is essential for a partnership that will not only achieve results, but also contributes positively to your brand's journey. Let's face it choosing the right Google Ads Manager is much more about than just outsourcing a task. It's about building a relationship with someone who becomes an extension of your team. With these five considerations in mind, you're well on your way to making an informed decision that will help propel your business forward.

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So, now that we've talked about the essential considerations for selecting a Google Ads Manager, it's crucial we pivot to a topic that, while less pleasant, is equally important recognizing the red flags when hiring a Google Ads Manager. It's about protecting your investment and ensuring that your journey in the digital advertising is both productive and positive. Now let's dive in to some of the red flags that should have you thinking twice before signing on the dotted line. First up quick guarantees of success. We all wish for a magic bullet in marketing, but the truth is digital advertising doesn't work that way. Any ad manager promising instant results or guaranteed success within an unrealistically short time frame is a red flag.

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Effective Google Ads Management is about strategy, analysis and iteration. It takes time to see results, especially in a competitive landscape. I am always upfront with my clients about expectations. I actually tend to forecast with extreme caution and pessimism when starting a new campaign. If the business owner can handle less than optimal results, especially right out of the gate, then they will be able to ride the roller coaster results that happen in the first three to six months of any new campaign. It's important to understand that Google's algorithms take time to learn what we are shooting for and how to deliver the kinds of leads we want. If someone is promising you the moon in the first month or two, I would think twice. Even the best of the Google managers will tell you that it can take four to six months to start seeing optimal results.

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The next red flag is a lack of clear reporting or transparency. Transparency is the foundation of trust between you and your Google Ads Manager. If a prospective manager is vague about their reporting processes or if they're reluctant to provide access to the ad account or detail performance metrics, consider it a warning sign. You deserve to know exactly how your budget is being spent and what results you're getting in return. You also want to be sure that they are going to build your campaign on your own Google account. Do not, under any circumstances, let a manager build a campaign for you on their account or any account you don't own.

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One. It's against the terms of Google's terms of use. Two, you are paying good money for the historical data when running campaigns. You want to keep that data in case you part ways. And then there's the issue of one size fits all strategies. Every business is unique, with its own set of challenges and objectives. A Google Ads Manager who offers a cookie cutter approach, applying the same strategies across the board, is not someone who's going to deliver the tailored results your business needs. Effective Google Ads Management requires a customized strategy that continuously is refined, based on your specific goals in market dynamics. Identifying these red flags early can save you not just time and money, but also the frustration of stalled or ineffective campaigns. The goal here is not just to avoid potential pitfalls, but to arm you with the knowledge to choose a partner who will genuinely contribute to your success.

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Now that we've covered how to choose the right Google Ads Manager and the red flags to be wary of, let's pivot to something equally critical maximizing your Google Ads investment. After all, finding the right partner is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you work together effectively to turn your vision into a reality. As I have said before, collaborating with your Google Ads Manager isn't a set it and forget it deal. It's an ongoing partnership that requires communication, trust and strategic alignment. Here's how you can make the most out of this relationship.

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First, regular check-ins and feedback. This is non-negotiable. Schedule regular meetings with your Google Ads Manager to review campaign performance, discuss strategies and make adjustments as needed. These check-ins are a great opportunity to provide feedback and ensure that your campaigns remain aligned with your evolving business goals. If you don't have a lot of time to meet with your manager, then at least ask for email check-ins with summaries of what they have accomplished, what is going well, what they're struggling with and what is in store for the next cycle. I do encourage you to meet with them at least once per quarter and set goals for the following 90 days.

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Another key to success is providing clear business insights. Your Google Ads Manager is an expert in digital advertising, but you're the expert in your business. Share insights about your clients, market trends and other internal data that could inform your advertising strategy. The more context your manager has, the better they can tailor campaigns to resonate with your target audience. And let's not forget understanding that success takes time Setting realistic expectations. Digital marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. While it's possible to seek quick wins, true Sustainable success takes time and patience. Work with your Google Ads Manager to set realistic goals and timelines. Celebrate the milestones along the way, but remain focused on the long game. Engaging with your Google Ads Manager is in these ways creates a powerful, dynamic One, where both parties are invested in the success of the campaign. Remember, effective communication and collaboration are the cornerstones of any successful partnership.

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So, as we wrap up today's deep dive into the world of Google Ads, I want to take a moment to reflect on what we've uncovered together. The landscape of digital advertising is ever evolving, with challenges and opportunities at every turn. What should be your key takeaway? The importance of a professional Google Ads Manager cannot be overstated. In a field of dynamic and competitive as this, having a skilled navigator at your helm can make all the difference in reaching your destination, not just successfully, but with spectacle.

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Armed with these insights from today's episode, I encourage you to approach the hiring of a Google Ads Manager with both knowledge and confidence. Remember, it's not just about outsourcing a task. It's about forging a partnership that will catapult your business towards its goals. And with that, I invite you to stay connected with us and subscribe to the Buzzworthy Marketing Show for more insights that empower you to make informed decisions and strategies that resonate. I also want to make sure that you know that I don't just talk about marketing, but I execute profitable marketing strategies, and have done so for about 18 years. So please, if you're looking for help, don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at buzz, at buzzworthymarketingbiz. Your journey is ours, and together we can make your business not just be seen but be truly buzzworthy. So until next time, stay buzzworthy.

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